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The pre-application consultation period has now expired. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond, whether at the in-person consultation event, via post, email, or on our website. Your responses are greatly appreciated and will inform the design of the proposals we submit to Warwick District Council. 


Following the event, the project team have been collating the feedback from the local community. Many questions were received during the event and we would like to take the opportunity to address these. As such, a ‘questions and answers’ document, which answers community queries on the project has been prepared. Please find this within the “Downloads” section of the website.


Please check back here periodically to keep up-to-date with the progress of the submission.


The project team will continue to engage and hope to work positively with community throughout the process. Please also be aware that a formal consultation period will be undertaken by the Local Planning Authority once the application is submitted and validated.


Proposed planning application for a solar farm and battery storage together with all associated works, equipment and necessary infrastructure on Land to the west of Fosse Way (B4455) and to the south-east of Radford Semele, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31 1XJ.

Welcome to the 
Fosse Way Solar Farm
Community Consultation Website

Welcome to the public consultation website for Fosse Way Solar Farm. On this website we introduce the proposals to you, add more information as the project progresses and provide a way to get in touch with us. 


About the Developer


The development proposals are being put forward by Novergy and Recurrent Energy. 

The Novergy Team have one of the strongest track records in the UK Solar PV sector with direct involvement in over 1GW of large-scale solar projects, that's about 15% of all sites built to date. The company’s mission now is the origination, development, design, financing, construction and operation of new solar PV in the UK. Novergy is focused on the provision of clean solar electricity, helping to make a more sustainable, low-carbon future.


For more information on Novergy, please visit  

Recurrent Energy is one of the world's largest and most geographically diversified utility-scale solar and energy storage project development, ownership and operations platforms. With an industry-leading team of in-house energy experts, they are a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canadian Solar Inc. and function as Canadian Solar's global development and power services business.


Recurrent Energy has completed the development of 9 gigawatts (GWp) of operating utility-scale solar projects and 3 gigawatt hours (GWh) of energy storage projects across six continents. They have more than 25 GWp of solar and 47 GWh of battery storage projects under development.


For more information on Recurrent Energy, please visit 

Recurrent Energy and Novergy place considerable value on engaging with parties from all sectors including community groups to understand the requirements of different partners and stakeholders.

Consultant Team


Novergy and Recurrent Energy will be supported in the preparation and development of Fosse Way Solar Farm by an experienced consultant team. Pegasus Group are the planning agent. 

Why are Solar Farms Important?

Why are Solar Farms Important?

The Government's National Planning Practice Guidance supports renewable and low carbon energy schemes like solar farms “to make sure the UK has a secure energy supply, reduce greenhouse gas emissions to slow down climate change and stimulate investment in new jobs and businesses.”

In 2019, the UK became the first country in the world to declare a Climate Emergency and has subsequently committed to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

In October 2021 the UK Government set out its Net Zero commitments and obligations in the ‘Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener’. Amongst a number of initiatives, the Strategy confirms that by 2035 all our electricity will need to come from low carbon sources. The Strategy affirms that we need to continue to drive rapid deployment of renewables so that we can reach substantially greater capacity beyond 2030. 

The proposal will:

  • Offer green, clean and sustainable renewable energy which is generated without emitting any carbon dioxide or any other greenhouse gases 

  • Generate enough low carbon electricity to power approximately 20,651 homes per year over a 40-year period.

  • Promote biodiversity with native tree planting, grassland and wildflower across the site as well as seeding beneath the solar panels.

  • Provide good hedgerow management and strengthening to encourage wildlife use and enhancement of habitats and corridors within the site.

  • Create jobs during the construction and operation phase with an emphasis on using local contractors where possible.

  • Provide a community benefit fund to the local area working alongside local community groups.

  • Contribute towards the UK’s Climate Emergency Agenda (in 2019, UK became the first country in the world to declare a Climate Emergency) and its commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. In October 2021, the UK Government set out its Net Zero commitments and obligations in the ‘Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener’. Amongst a number of initiatives, it confirms that by 2035 all our electricity will need to come from low carbon sources.

  • Contribute towards Warwick District Council’s ambitions to take action to mitigate the impact of climate change and reduce carbon emissions. Warwick District Council declared a ‘Climate Emergency’ in February 2020 with a key aim to become a carbon-neutral district by 2030.

Why Here?

  • This site has been carefully selected as part of a detailed feasibility process which includes the consideration of grid capacity, sunlight irradiation, environmental designations, cultural heritage, ecology and biodiversity, flood risk and land grading.

  • The area has an increasing demand for energy and this site has a technically and commercially viable grid connection. Solar receives no government subsidies.

  • The area benefits from a nearby point of connection to the electricity network.

  • There are no statutory designated areas within the site.

  • The site is located in Flood Zone 1.

  • The site has good access to the main highway network avoiding the need for construction traffic to be directed through villages and narrow lanes.

  • The majority of the site forms Grade 3b agricultural land (moderate quality agricultural land) with some smaller areas of Grade 2 and Grade 3a agricultural land where no panels would be placed and which could be used for appropriate mitigation measures. 

  • The proposal, through its setting (enough spacing between and under each row of solar panels) will allow livestock to graze so the land will remain in agricultural production as well as generating clean power.

Why Here?

The Site

Fosseway Aerial SLP.png

The site consists of open and undeveloped agricultural land which lies immediately to the west of Fosse Way, less than 1km to the southeast of Radford Semele at the nearest point and approximately 2km due east of Leamington Spa. 

Agricultural Land Classification

An Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) survey has been undertaken at the site. The survey has confirmed that the majority of the site forms Grade 3b moderate quality agricultural land (72 hectares) with a smaller portion of land forming Grade 3a land (24 hectares) and a further 4ha of Grade 2 very good quality agricultural land. However, it should be noted that no solar panels are proposed the be located on any Grade 2 land and the same is true for much of the Grade 3a land.

The Proposed Development will allow dual use as the Application Site will be capable of being used for sheep grazing below the panels. There will be no permanent loss of agricultural land as a result of the Proposed Development.

Landscape and Biodiversity

The site is not located within the Green Belt or an AONB, nor any other any statutory designations. The closest ecological statutory designated site is Witnash Brook Local Nature Reserve located c.1.25km west of the site, separated by a number of agricultural fields and built development spanning from Lewis Road.

A range of landscape measures have been proposed to reduce potential impacts on the local landscape receptors. The landscape measures include the retention of existing hedgerows and trees, the ‘gapping up’ of sparse / open sections of hedgerows to enhance screening around the site’s boundaries as well as planting of new hedgerows and trees. A Landscape Assessment is currently being prepared to accompany the planning application.  


The future application will also be supported by an Ecological Assessment to identify constraints and opportunities for biodiversity enhancements.


It is acknowledged that solar farms present a unique opportunity for long term biodiversity enhancement. The proposal will aim to achieve that through habitat retention and minimising disturbance, as well as achieving biodiversity net gain by increasing the variety and volume of species on and around the site.

Highways and Access

Access arrangements are being considered, the site has good access on to the main highway network avoiding the need for construction traffic to be directed through villages and narrow lanes. An existing access point off the B4455 at the eastern edge of the site is proposed for use as the main site access.  


Once the solar farm is operational there will be very little traffic, limited to maintenance visits undertaken by transit van size vehicles.  


Public Rights of Way which pass through the site will remain in place and will be enhanced where possible. 

Cultural Heritage

There are no Listed buildings or Scheduled Ancient Monuments located within the site. The nearest Listed buildings are found within the nearby villages of Radford Semele, Harbury and Ufton as well as a few nearby isolated Listed Buildings at Lower Westfields Farm and Harbury Fields. A Scheduled Monument (Roman rural settlement at Windmill hill Farm) is located approximately 1.1km south-west of the southern site boundary. Whitnash Chapel Green Conservation Area is located approximately 2km west of the site at its closest point. A Heritage Assessment and Geophysical Survey will be undertaken prior to the application being submitted.

Flood Risk

The entirety of the site is located within Flood Zone 1. A detailed drainage and Flood Risk Assessment is currently being progressed.


Proposed Development

P21-0150_EN_08A Preliminary Landscape Mitigation PlanWEB.jpg

The proposed development is for a 49.99 megawatt (AC) ground-mounted solar farm with associated energy storage to include boundary landscaping; security / fencing; wildflower to provide a biodiversity net gain on site; and areas for additional ecological and landscape planting enhancements.

Photovoltaic Panels

  • Each panel would be installed on a single axis tracker mounting structure with a typical overall height of approximately 3m depending on existing ground levels which would be unaltered.

  • The panels would be laid in north south rows with a space around 3-5m between each row to allow for maintenance and to avoid shading.

  • The panels will be installed on a simple metal framework mounted on piles driven into the ground, avoiding the need for substantive foundations. All of the proposed equipment is temporary and will be removed at the end of the operational period.  

  • There will be limited noise from fans on inverters and batteries, and the inverters will not operate at sensitive times (i.e. at night) as the solar farm will not generate power during the hours of darkness. The future application will also be supported by a Noise Assessment.


Ancillary Infrastructure

  • Buildings for the control equipment will be of single storey height located across the site and near the Point of Connection (POC). Associated electrical equipment and infrastructure necessary for the operation of the solar farm will include; inverters/transformers; a client substation; a Distribution Network Operator (DNO) substation; battery storage and spare part storage.

  • All cabling will be buried underground.


  • CCTV cameras (Infrared Security Cameras monitored 24/7) mounted on poles would be installed around the site’s perimeter and directed on to the solar farm.

  • A fence up to approximately 2.5m in height will be erected around the perimeter of the site with the potential for the addition of small mall gates, if required.


  • One access for construction and maintenance as well as an emergency access will be formed using existing field entrances. Access tracks within the site will be kept to a minimum, they will be approximately 4m wide with the purpose of facilitating operation and maintenance of the solar farm.

  • Once operational the proposed development will result in low levels of vehicle movements associated with the maintenance of the solar farm. 

Planning Background

The aim of this public consultation is to present the proposals to the local community and receive your thoughts and feedback on our proposals prior to submission. 


The planning application is being coordinated by Pegasus Group on behalf of Novergy and Recurrent Energy. Pre-Application Advice has been received from Warwick District Council. The advice indicated that the principle of development would likely be supported under Policy EC2 of the Warwick District Local Plan 2011-2029. The proposals were also assessed against Policy CC2 of the Local Plan, which was again found to be supportive of the development, subject to confirmation that design related issues (e.g. landscape or heritage impacts) could be sufficiently mitigated. Furthermore, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening process has previously confirmed that the project will not result in significant impacts in terms of the EIA regulations and no Environmental Statement will be required as part of the planning application. 


Surveys of the site are currently underway which will be used both to inform the design of the project and to prepare the technical reports which will be submitted as part of the planning application to Warwick District Council. The planning application will address the following areas:

  • Ecology and Nature Conservation

  • Landscape and Visual considerations

  • Arboriculture

  • Heritage and Archaeology

  • Flood Risk and drainage

  • Glint and Glare

  • Noise

  • Transport and Access

  • Agricultural Land Classification Survey


Following this consultation process, we will review all comments received from the local community and stakeholders to help guide the project and inform the final design and layout. Once the application has been submitted, the Council will carry out its own consultation process involving statutory consultees and stakeholders. At this point, members of the public will have a further opportunity to make their views known to the Council. 



High resolution copies of plans are available for download on this website.

What Happens Next

What Happens Next

A public exhibition will be held, where you will be able to learn more about the proposal and talk to members of the project team.

The public exhibition will be on the 14th May 2024 at Radford Semele Community Hall, Lewis Road, Radford Semele, CV31 1UQ. The event will run from 3pm – 7.30pm.


All are invited to attend and we look forward to seeing you there.

Contact and Feedback

Please provide any further comments you have on the proposal in the text box below.

You can also submit comments by email or post using the details provided.

Comments provided by the local community will be taken into account in shaping the planning application submission. All comments must be provided by 28th May 2024.

Contact Us

In principle do you support renewable energy?
Are you concerned about the effects of climate change?
Have you seen an operational ground-mounted solar farm development before?
How do you feel about the proposed plans for Fosse Way Solar Farm?

Thanks for submitting!

Or you can contact Pegasus Group directly.


Postal Address: Pegasus Group, 33 Sheep Street, Cirencester, GL7 1RQ

Use of Your Data

Pegasus Group is a leading independent consultancy specialising in planning, design, environment, economics and heritage. We are instructed by Novergy and Recurrent Energy in relation to development proposals for a solar farm with associated energy storage on Land to the west of Fosse Way (B4455) and to the south-east of Radford Semele, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31 1XJ as part of a public consultation, with the objective of obtaining the views of people living or working in the area on the proposals. All thoughts and suggestions received as part of this consultation will be carefully considered before a planning application is submitted to Warwick District Council and will be reported in a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The content of your responses (excluding any personal details) may be shared with Warwick District Council. 


By responding to this consultation by post or email, you consent to the use of your data for the purposes of research relating to this application only. Any personal information collected will be used by Pegasus Group in accordance with data protection legislation and our Privacy Notice* and will only be retained for as long as is necessary for the purpose of preparing and submitting the planning application.

*please visit to access our Privacy Notice


Should you wish for your details to be deleted at any point please contact us via email.

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